Structure of Education in Cyprus
Education in Cyprus starts with
school education that comprises of pre-primary education, primary education that lasts for 6 years and is compulsory to attend and secondary education. Secondary education is divided into three levels: lower secondary education, upper secondary education and technical and vocational education. Upon successful completion of the primary education, students must attend the compulsory lower secondary education of 3 years. Upper secondary education and technical and vocational educational levels are optional. In order to enter higher education institutions in Cyprus, students must go for upper secondary education or technical and vocational education as per their interest and skills.
Higher education in Cyrus is offered by public as well as private higher education institutions. The Cyprus higher education institutions offer study programmes at all levels: bachelor, master and doctorate.
Structure of Cyprus Education
Pre-primary Education
Ages: 3 years to 5 years and 8 months
Primary Education
- School type: Primary School
- Duration: 6 years
- Grades: 1-6
- Ages: 6 to 12
- Certificate awarded: Primary education diploma (Ilkoğretim Diplomas),
Secondary Education
Lower Secondary Education (Gymnasium)
- Duration: 3 years
- Grades: 7 to 9
- Ages: 12-15
- Certificate awarded: Certificate of completion (Απολυτήριο του Gimnasio)
Upper Secondary General Secondary Education (Lyceum)
- Duration: 3 years
- Grades: 10-12
- Ages: 15-18
- Certificate awarded: Certificate of completion (Απολυτήριο του Λυκείου)
Upper Secondary Technical and Vocational Education
- School type: Technical schools
- Duration: 3 years
- Ages: 15 to 18
Private Secondary Education
Tertiary Education
University Higher Education (State and Private Universities)
First Cycle: Bachelor
- Duration: 4 years
- ECTS: 240 points
- Certificate awarded: Bachelor or Ptychio
Second Cycle: Master
- Duration: 1-2 years
- ECTS: 90-120 credit points
- Certificate awarded: Masters or Magister Artium/ Scientiae
Third Cycle: Doctorate
- Duration: 3-8 years
- Certificate awarded: Doctorate/PhD
Non-University Higher Education
- Type: State Institution of Higher Education
- Duration: 1-3 years
- Certificate awarded: Certificate/diploma/higher diploma
- Certificate: 1 year
- Diploma- 2 years
- Higher diploma- 3 years